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Centum Topia Academy motivation camp ‘The future of next generation's leaders’-센텀토피아

NSP통신, 김덕용 인턴기자, 2012-11-21 09:19 KRD1
#reader #motivation #camp #institute #centumtopia

‘Vision Presentation’ about Dream and Hope in English...모티베이션캠프

[NSP-JTV]Centum Topia Academy motivation camp ‘The future of next generation's leaders’-센텀토피아

[부산=NSP통신] 김덕용 인턴기자 = Students in one English institute in Haeundae had a special time to be a global leader.

English institute called Centum Topia conducted the special Topia motivation camp in PungJi village in Kimhae on 3rd of November for 2days.

They talked about their dream, hope and introduced a campsite.


Now, Children are announcing their dream. Let's hear it.

The motivation camp started as soon as the students stepped into the campground.

The highlight of the motivation camp was the students' presentation on their future dream.

The presentation was to motivate the student to find their hidden talent and utilize it to improve our society.

[Interview : participants]

Centum Topia institute's Autumn motivation camp enlightened student's motivation who are tired of our countries education system.

In addition, students in Topia became a good example for many English institutes because they designed their future and set their dream for themselves.

김덕용 NSP통신 인턴기자, nsp-jtv1@nspna.com
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