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Busan's landmark ‘Cinema Center’

NSP통신, 허아영 기자, 2014-07-21 14:57 KRD1
#부산 #국제영화제 #랜드마크 #영화의전당 #센텀시티
[NSPTV] Busan's landmark ‘Cinema Center’

(부산=NSP통신 허아영 기자) = (NSP글로벌리틀뉴스 이가현 기자) = Busan is always a fresh and beautiful city in itself as it was located where the city meets sea, creating the seamless changes of dawn and dusk.

Even if the scene of Busan could have created a fascinating story, there is a symbolic story for Busan. It is about one of Asia’s most popular film festivals, the Busan International Film Festival (BIFF).

Today, I am going to the landmark called the Busan Cinema Center, the home of the BIFF, with you.


In 2011, the Busan Cinema Center opened in the Busan Haeundae Centum City as a multi-complex for movies and performances. This year, the center will see its 1,000th show only four years after its opening.

Starting with the experimental spirits of the BIFF and the desires of domestic movie and cultural circles, the Busan Cinema Center has become an Asia’s movie hub and has been evolving into a world-class multi-complex for movie and culture.

The Busan Cinema Center boasts its fantastic scenery created by its world-largest roof, two and a half times bigger than the size of a soccer pitch, harmonious LED lights consisting of 42,600 units and the Naru park along the Suyoung River.

The Busan Cinema Center is recognized as a true masterpiece of the world history of architecture because of its outstanding form and deconstructive aesthetics.

The Busan Cinema Center is divided in the three parts - the Cine Mountain, the Biff Hill, and the Double Cone. The main building called the Cine Mountain has three movie theaters where you can enjoy various genres of movies, including art movies and commercial ones, and the Haneulyeon Theatre, which boasts being one of the best performance stages in South Korea.

The Outdoor Theatre with 4,000 seats has been emerged as a new Mecca of the domestic movie industry because it is the venue for the opening and closing ceremonies of the BIFF. In addition, the facility offers seats for audience and a stage for a variety of performance genres from world-class orchestra concerts and operas to musical performances, plays, traditional music performances and pop concerts as well as movies.

The Outdoor Theatre and the square in the Busan Cinema Center will be changed into the Art Skate Link to let Busan citizens enjoy skating until March.

I’m looking forward to the day when the Busan Cinema Center will become South Korea’s best cultural icon and be globally shining as a world-renowned symbol like the Sydney Opera House, and Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.

NSP global little news, Lee Gahyun.

[영상편집] 오혜원 PD dotoli5@nspna.com
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nsplove@nspna.com, 허아영 기자(NSP통신)
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