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Representative Festival of South Korea

Special Drama Theme Park(9) - 한국대표 진주남강유등축제

NSP통신, 김연화 기자, 2012-10-15 17:05 KRD1
#Drama Theme #Korean Drama #Jinju Namgang #Yudeung #Representative
[Representative Festival of South Korea] Special Drama Theme Park(9) - 한국대표 진주남강유등축제

[경남=NSP통신] 김연화 기자 = The festival of culture and history, 2012 Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival is not just popular in South Korea but all over the world.

On the 5th of October, the “International Drama Forum” celebrated the “Korea Drama Festival”.

This year, the 6th Korean Drama Festival is held with 3 big events such as the"Korea Drama Awards”, the “International Drama Forum” and the “Drama Set Exhibition”.


This is a good chance for drama directors in South Korea China Taiwan and Japan to discuss and find ways to develop and globalize each country's drama industry.

The “International Drama Forum” is a place where drama practicians and related experts gather together and share experiences.

When joining the “Drama Theme Park”, Korean or foreign visitors can understand more about the making of dramas and enjoy famous and excellent Korean dramas.

NSP통신-Namju Kim of the KBS Drama My Husband Got a Family won the Korean Drama Awards. (Jinju City)
Namju Kim of the KBS Drama “My Husband Got a Family” won the Korean Drama Awards. (Jinju City)

At Chiram-dong Namgang riverside, there are 7,080 drama sets displayed. The Drama Theme Park was also established. It is open from 11am to 11pm until 14th October.

During the festival at the"Drama Theme Park”, the most popular drama set among the 7080 sets is “The Moon that embraces the Sun”.

Visitors can also experience historical dramas that contributed to the Korean wave.

The “7080 Drama Set” will bring back the memories from the past like black and white TV and the old bathroom scenes.

The 2012 Namgang Yudeung Festival together with the Drama Theme Park will bring visitors good times and experiences with their family for a very meaningful autumn season.

김연화 NSP통신 기자, yeonhwa0802@nspna.com
<저작권자ⓒ 국내유일의 경제중심 종합뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>
