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Representative Festival of South Korea

Jinju Silk Exhibition(8) - 한국대표 진주남강유등축제

NSP통신, 김연화 기자, 2012-10-14 18:38 KRD1
#Silk Exhibition #Jinju #Namgang Yudeung #Festival #Representative
[Representative Festival of South Korea]Jinju Silk Exhibition(8) - 한국대표 진주남강유등축제

[경남=NSP통신] 김연화 기자 = When night comes, Jinju Namgang is illuminated with all kinds of colorful lanterns.

Today, we joined the “2012 Jinju Silk Exhibition”, one of the events of the “2012 Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival”.

The “2012 Jinju Silk Festival” is held from the 1st to the 10th this month to introduce one of the superior products of Jinju - Jinju Silk - the famous product of Jinju that has 100 years of traditional history and stands as the fifth best silk of the world.


Jinju City is the host of the “2012 Jinju Silk Exhibition”.

It is sponsored by “Silkyan” which is co-brand of 30 silk manufacturers in the Jinju area and the research of Korean Silk.

NSP통신-2012 Jinju Silk Exhibitions Opening Ceremony. (Jinju City)
2012 Jinju Silk Exhibition’s Opening Ceremony. (Jinju City)

[Interview : Jung Gee Jin / Kyungnam Jinju Chiram-dong]
[Q. The features of Jinju Silk.

A. We can use the silk in many ways like the silk I am wearing now. But the attraction of Jinju Silk that we can feel is the color, it is very beautiful and charming. It is said that the water of the Namgang River is very good.

When we use that water to color the silk’s it will appear very beautiful. Now Jinju is producing 80% of the silk of the whole Korea silk manufacturing output.]

On October 2nd at 3pm, at the “2012 Jinju Silk Exhibition”, the mayor of Jinju city, Mr. Lee Chang Hee gave the award for the best silk product of the 2012 Silk Design Contest in front of 300 silk industry participants and citizens.

The exhibition will last for 10 days from the 1st to the 10th of October with 3 concepts “enterprise”, “public relations” and “demonstration and experience” happening in Jinju Namgang’s night exhibition center.

With the concept “enterprise”, there are silk products for sale. With “public relations”, there are shows of hanbok and fashion products that use various kinds of silk and an exhibition of the best silk products of the Silk Design Contest.

With the concept “demonstration and experience”, visitors can try making dolls with natural colored silk and experience many interesting things about silk.

NSP통신-Giving Award to the best silk product of Silk Design Contest 2012. (Jinju City)
Giving Award to the best silk product of Silk Design Contest 2012. (Jinju City)

Since the period of the Japanese colonial rule the “power loom” came into use, the technique of making silk has been continuosly developed and in 1910 there was already a modernized silk factory in Jinju.

In 1988, the Korean Silk Research Center was established in Jinju. The cooperation between the government and local manufactures has made Jinju the place of the best silk industry.

[Interview : Jenifer Hughes/ America California]
[Q. What is your impression about the Jinju Silk Exhibition.

A. Really beautiful. It will be really nice to have it as a gift for family for my son’s wedding or any other occasion.]

The “2012 Jinju Silk Exhibition” has brought the representative festival of South Korea the"2012 Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival”a very good synergy effect and contributed to bringing Jinju to the world.

NSP통신-Mr. Lee Chang Hy, the mayor of Jinju City is checking the Exhibition center. (Jinju City)
Mr. Lee Chang Hy, the mayor of Jinju City is checking the Exhibition center. (Jinju City)

김연화 NSP통신 기자, yeonhwa0802@nspna.com
<저작권자ⓒ 국내유일의 경제중심 종합뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>
