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Representative Festival of South Korea

Gaecheon Art Festival(7) - 한국대표 진주남강유등축제

NSP통신, 김연화 기자, 2012-10-14 18:30 KRD1
#Jinju Yudeung #Festival #Gaecheon #Representative #Korea
[Representative Festival of South Korea]Gaecheon Art Festival(7) - 한국대표 진주남강유등축제
NSP통신-The 62nd Gaecheon Art Festival Eves Ceremony has started and will last for 8 days.
The 62nd Gaecheon Art Festival Eve’s Ceremony has started and will last for 8 days.

[경남=NSP통신] 김연화 기자 = Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival has started its 14 fantastic days with a brilliant sunny autumn background.

Today we’ve come to the 62nd Gaecheon Art Festival, a part of Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival.

In 1949, the Gaecheon Art Festival started from the 1stYeongnam Art Festival and become the pioneer of all local comprehensive cultural festivals of South Korea.


On the 3rd of October, the eve of the Gaecheon Festival Ceremony was held with many traditional events like burning incense and displaying artful paintings.

NSP통신-A lot of performances are held to remember the Jinju Battle . (Jinju City)
A lot of performances are held to remember the Jinju Battle . (Jinju City)

On the 3rd of October from 4pm, many indigenous Korean performance was held such as Jindarae tea trial performance, State bell-tolling ceremony, Jehyang Ceremony, Advance Orders performance and Drum performance of success.

A ceremony was held to celebrate the 420 years of Jinju’s sweeping success, the history about the victory of Jinjuseong Battle against the Japanese Invasion will be told through the theme “communication of history and art”

4 days at the ceremony, there will be the procession reappearing Jinju Pastor’s ordination that defended Chosun Dynasty in Western Gyeongnam from the enemy.

NSP통신-3,000 bibimbab sharing event, next to the National Jinju Museum. (Jinju City)
3,000 bibimbab sharing event, next to the National Jinju Museum. (Jinju City)

There are also reappearances about Korean women who made bibimbap to support the soldier's morale in the Jinju Battle during the invasion.

During the Gaecheon Art Festival, at Kyungnam Culture & Arts Center and Jinju City Hall, visitors can join exhibitions to help select winning Gaecheon Artful objects, paintings and photos.

Gaecheon Art Festival has become the gateway for young artists to show their cultural and artful presentations.

Gaecheon Art Festival will last from the 3rd to the 10th of this month and end with the “Jinju Reception” music performance.

A lot of artful events have been started in Jinju, the city is now full of splendid atmosphere of lantern lights and beautiful memories.

김연화 NSP통신 기자, yeonhwa0802@nspna.com
<저작권자ⓒ 국내유일의 경제중심 종합뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>
