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실리콘파워, 50g무게 올인원 카드리더 ‘SPC33V2W’

NSP통신, 김정태 기자, 2010-09-29 10:52 KRD2
#실리콘파워 #카드리더기

[서울=DIP통신] 김정태 기자 = 대만 실리콘파워가 출시한 올인원 카드리더기인 ‘SPC33V2W’모델은 50g 무게로 가볍고 다양한 매체를 읽을 수 있는 것이 특징.

이 카드리더기는 USB2.0와 USB1.1와 호환된다. 제공하는 플래쉬 메모리 카드 타입은 CF, xD, SD, SDHC, 미니SDHC, MMC계DUF, 마이크로SD/SDHC, 메모리스틱계열 등 다양하다. 크기는 74.5×60.5×22.5㎜.

OS 지원은 윈도우98부터 윈도우7, 맥, 리눅스 등이다. 색상은 흰색이다.


실리콘파워 한 관계자는 “이 제품은 2년간 품질 보증을 실시, 높은 품질을 제공하고 있다”면서 “휴대전화 사용자는 물론 카메라, 캠코더 사용자도 실리콘파워 카드리더기 하나로 모두 해결할 수 있다”고 전했다.

September 28, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan ~As the variety of cameras and camcorders spring up on the market, the memory cards are becoming more diverse. To satisfy those storage needs, Today(9/28), Silicon Power announced a whole new ALL IN ONE card reader which provides the best solution for consumers. Weighing only 50g, the ALL IN ONE card reader is not only compact, but also can sit upright on your desk and save more space for you. It features curvaceous corners and comes in colors of classic black and elegant white, giving the product a sophisticated and stream-lined look. Furthermore, ALL IN ONE card reader is embedded with a mini USB cable that brings simplicity and convenience to access data on modern day digital hand held devices. No matter where you use it, in office or a cafe, it will make you the center of attraction.

The Silicon Power ALL IN ONE card reader supports all the main stream flash cards and the latest OS Win 7 and Mac with stability and compatibility. In addition, Silicon Power ALL IN ONE card reader carries a two-year warranty and provides you service with high quality. With a tiny ALL IN ONE in your hand, you can enjoy the easier way to storage your precious moment. Regarding the efficiency, the ALL IN ONE has 5 card slots that can read and write simultaneously and utilizes USB2.0 interface that is also backward compatible with USB1.1. For mobile phone users and camera/ camcorder users, ALL IN ONE can take complete care of the memory cards!

<저작권자ⓒ 소비자가 보는 경제뉴스 DIP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>