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YuGilSam was selected as a New Intellectual, commodify discover cium at pottery

NSP NEWS, By 허아영 기자, 2014-08-30 00:02 END1
#YuGilSam #NewIntellect #cium #pottery #Foundonselect

Pottery not only keeps its beauty but also contributes our life and health. It expands its field being reborn as fertilizer, salt, cosmetics, wine and concrete.

[NSPTV] YuGilSam was selected as a New Intellectual, commodify discover cium at pottery

(부산=NSP통신 허아영 기자) = (NSP 글로벌리틀뉴스 정동일 기자) = Mr. Yu Gil Sam, who has introduced the superiority of Korea’s traditional ceramics to Japan, found a new metal “Cium” during the process of making ceramics recently.

The new material “Cium” can be made by combination of salt and fertilizer.

And the “Cium” was successfully manufactured and Mr. Yu was selected as a “Sinzisikin”, a New Intellectual, a rare case for a potter.


He pioneered the new field for Korean ceramics that are not only pursuing beauty but contributing to well-being and health for people in everyday life.

Cium meaning “Flame’s returning sound in traditional kiln” is composed of potsherd of Korean traditional ceramic, and clay powder.

Having mixed with consistent ratio, ripened some time, this mixture undergoes special heat treatment and being combined with other materials to become the new substance.

Cium has very special feature that is not changed with transformation, even in nanophase composite.

This has many properties like energy transmission, fermentation, energy saving, deodorization, and antibacterial power, which can be applied to various fields.

Mr. Yu has kept proving the effectiveness of “Cium” by grafting it with many various fields.

However, to inform this substance to many people home and abroad and to apply it into many fields, government’s support is more required., 허아영 기자(NSP통신)
<저작권자ⓒ 한국의 경제뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>


