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Hyundai E&C, ESG Retrogression, Increase in Violations of the Construction Waste Act Since 2018

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2022-11-04 07:59 END7
#HyundaiE&C #ESG #Retrogression #Violation

(서울=NSP통신) soon ki Lee Journali = The number of violations of the Construction Waste Act by Hyundai E&C more than doubled from 2018 to 2019 and 2021. In particular, the number of violations of the Construction Waste Act by Hyundai E&C is the highest among private companies in the seven years from 2015 to 2021.

According to the ‘Construction Waste Act Violation Status’ data from the Ministry of Environment, Hyundai E&C has committed a total of 134 violations in seven years, such as ▲5 cases in 2015 ▲4 cases in 2016 ▲3 cases in 2017 ▲12 cases in 2018 ▲29 cases in 2019 ▲43 cases in 2021. As of 2018, it is more than doubling from 2019 to 2021.

In fact, Hyundai E&C was accused by Hwaseong City Hall of burying construction waste on the site where apartments and detached houses would be built.


In addition, the sandy soil designated as waste was illegally buried in rice paddies where crops were growing and buried in the soil section of the Korea Expressway Corporation.

Various wastes were mixed, left in the corner of the construction site, and illegally discharged, which resulted in a fine for negligence.

Nevertheless, Hyundai E&C has insisted on eco-friendliness in sustainability report, CEO message of Hyundai E&C, and the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices and emphasized that it has received excellent evaluation for it.

Hyundai E&C was also included in the DJSI World for 12 consecutive years in the ‘2021 Dow Jones Sustainability Indices(DJSI) evaluation’. The DJSI World Index is an indicator given only to the top 10% of ESG management levels among the top 2,500 companies in the world’s market capitalization.

In the CEO message in the ‘2021 Hyundai E&C brochure’, the CEO of Hyundai E&C said, “Hyundai E&C will open the way for the company and society to grow together by making full efforts to ensure safety and quality, win-win cooperation and right management based on ESG responsibility.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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