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SK Hynix successfully developed MCR DIMM, the fastest server DRAM

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By eunyoung Huh Journal, 2022-12-08 16:11 END8

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) eunyoung Huh Journalist = SK Hynix announced it has succeeded in developing a sample of DDR5 MCR DIMM, the fastest ever server DRAM with a new concept.

This product runs at the rate of above 8Gb/sec, 80% faster than server DDR5 running at 4.8Gb/sec. DDR(Double Data Rate) is a DRAM standard mainly used for server and PC, and the latest version developed so far is DDR5 - the 5th generation of DDR.

MCR DIMM (Multiplexer Combined Ranks Dual In-line Memory Module), a module equipped with multiple DRAMs on the board, has two ranks which operate at the same time, improving the speed. Rank is a basic data processing unit of module.


The team of engineers in SK Hynix designed the two ranks to work simultaneously by using data buffer loaded on MCR DIMM.

SK Hynix highlighted that the global collaboration with Intel (US) and Renesas (Japan) made it easier to have such fruitful outcome. The three companies have been in close cooperation until the world’s fastest speed and performance of the product are fully verified.

The time for the mass production, SK Hynix said, will be when customer demand starts to go up in full swing.

NSP News Agency eunyoung Huh Journalist
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