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Seolhwasoo from Amorepacific expanded its chinese online market with a new launch.

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By jeonghyun go Journal, 2020-06-10 00:05 END7

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jeonghyun go Journalist = Seolhwasoo, the representitive brand of Amorepacifix is to be expanded in Chinese online cosmetic market.

Seolhwasoo launched the 5th Yoonjo Essence at T-mall, the chinese e-market platform.

The digital launching event was led by the model, Angelababy and researchers from Amorepacific.


Around 1.53 million people visited the online shop of Seolhwasoo, which is 10 times more than normal. The expectation regarding a bestseller and steadyseller, the 5th Yoonjo Essence also has risen up.

This launching event was designed in order to attract 20’s to 30’s taking up 80% of entire consumers.

After the event, the live commerce streaming started led by Wanghoong Weiya and the representitive of Amorepacific. Perfecting cushion, Jaeum, Yeoyoonpack, and Jinseol were being sold, and around 26 million veiwers watched the event.

NSP News Agency jeonghyun go Journalist
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