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SK Innovation decides to increase the capital to construct the second battery factory in the US

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By YEON SUN HAN Journal, 2020-05-10 15:40 END7

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) YEON SUN HAN Journalist = SK Innovation is set to break through with a bold investment in the global economic downturn and the crisis caused by Corona 19.

SK Innovation decided to invest a total of 3 trillion won, including the 1st plant currently under construction in Georgia, in addition to the 2nd plant construction, in order to secure the stable supply of electric vehicle batteries received from global automakers and secure the fundamental competitiveness of the business.

The second plant is expected to be built at 11.7 GWh capacities and will begin construction from this July to year 2023.


In this regard, SK Innovation held a board meeting on the 28th and decided to invest a portion of which is 880 billion won ($ 720 million).

The first plant in Georgia, which began construction in 2019, is currently under construction as planned with the goal of starting mass production in 2022.

SK Innovation will have a 21.5GWh / year scale in the U.S. only in 2023, when the investment in the second factory is completed after the first factory investment of 9.8GWh / year in 2018, and the global production scale will reach 71GWh.

NSP News Agency YEON SUN HAN Journalist
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