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Shinhan Financial Group, Launching Hong Kong GIB … Accelerating Global Capital Market Invasion

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2018-11-30 10:46 END7
#Shinhan #Hong Kong GIB #Global Capital

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = Shinhan Financial Group launched Hong Kong GIB(hereafter, Group & Global Investment Banking Group) to strengthen the competitiveness in a global capital market.

Hong Kong GIB plans to foster the field of loan(hereafter Debt Financing), its core business, at a global level and will actively promote global alternative investment and expansion of its merchandise business.

In addition, the company will actively pursue sales by avoiding various limitations such as equity investment in the same person due to capital regulation on the local corporation which has dragged the expansion of business down.


The total assets of the integrated Hong Kong GIB are US $760 million, about 857.3 billion won, and the cumulative net profit for the first three quarters is about US $14.7 million, about 16.6 billion won.

Shin Yoo-sik, general manager, was appointed as general manager of the Hong Kong GIB, which will oversee the group's Hong Kong capital market segment.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist,
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