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SK Telecom · Hwaseong City create safe city with 5G · IoT technology

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By dILFUZA Sultanova Jo, 2018-04-13 14:30 END7
#SK Telecom #Hwaseong #IoT #MOU

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) dILFUZA Sultanova Journalist = SK Telecom · Hwaseong City create safe city with 5G · IoT technology
SK Telecom signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on April 12 with Hwaseong City to promote safe city development.
Sung-han Kim, chairman of SK Telecom Smart City Unit and Dong-kyun Park, president of Hwaseong City Urban Safety Center, are attended the ceremony, and pledged to cooperate to create a smart city in the future.
Through this business agreement, Hwaseong City decided to apply SK Telecom's IoT technology to the city infrastructure such as ▲integrated fire management solution ▲toxic gas, fine dust response system and ▲traffic security service and others.
The level of urban safety will be greatly improved through the services such as ▲IoT sensor to detect fire temperature and smoke volume, ▲real-time observations of toxic gases and fine dusts by region, ▲prevent traffic accidents of elderly people with disabilities through analysis of CCTV screen and others.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV dILFUZA Sultanova Journalist,
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