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Jin Air, to be listed on the securities market

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By dILFUZA Sultanova Jo, 2017-04-25 23:50 END7
#Jin Air #market #listing

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) dILFUZA Sultanova Journalist = Jean Air and Mirae Asset Daewoo, has entered into practical discussions on the details of the schedule, have entered into practical consultation for detailed schedule such as corporate investigation and preliminary examination request to be listed on the securities market.
Jin Air plans to start listing on the spot and complete the listing within the year.
Jin Air plans to strengthen its financial soundness by securing financial resources for sustainable growth, transparent management and ethical management, and enhancing corporate brand and brand value through listing.
Jin Air will use the funds it acquired through listing to build a new growth business base. By 2018, eight planes will be introduced, increasing the number of aircraft to 30 (B737-800: 24 units, B777-200ER: 6 units) and increasing the number of routes to 55 to expand market share.
In 2017, sales will reach 810 billion won, and in 2018, it will exceed 1 trillion won.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV dILFUZA Sultanova Journalist,
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