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Samsung Electronics, develops to build a smart tourist complex in cooperation with JCC

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By Hanah Choi Journalis, 2016-07-01 09:54 END7
#SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS #Ora tourism complex

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) Hanah Choi Journalist = Samsung Electronics signed an agreement with developer JCC Inc. to partner in development of the largest multi-tourism complex in the Jeju Island in Shilla Hotel in Jeju.

The Ora Tourism Complex (slated for completion in 2012) will be built on a site of 3.57 million square meters at an estimated cost of about 6.28 trillion won ($5.4 billion) which is is the largest development project to be ever promoted on Jeju Island.

The multi-tourism complex will have ▲ a 7,650-seat center for meetings, conferences, and exhibitions, ▲ a hotel with 2,500 rooms, a condominium with 1,815 rooms, ▲a shopping center, theme park, ▲and a golf course.


Samsung Electronics and JCC will work together to ▲develop cutting-edge smart solutions for the resort complex, jointly operate ▲ manage smart solutions, as well as ▲develop various service business models based on smart solutions.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV Hanah Choi Journalist,
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