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Samsung Electronics' Smart UX Center got best level from B.L.I. USA

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By jonghyuk Kim Journal, 2016-06-08 03:26 END7
#삼성전자 #스마트UX센터 #바이어스랩

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jonghyuk Kim Journalist = Samsung Electronics' printing solution platform 'Smart UX Center' got the best level 'Platinum' in the solution part from B.L.I. (Buyers Laboratory Inc.) that is a global office product evaluation agency.

Smart UX Center got the top score in four bases, ▲usability ▲IT administration/security ▲customers support service ▲value of possession, among 5 evaluation bases.

B.L.I. has given good evaluation that 'Smart UX Center' is familiar with android smart-phone and tablet PC users, it is available to adjust layout and function setting following user environment.


Moreover they mentioned that users may install application and widget through 'printing app center' installed in Smart UX center, users are able to make good use of existing multifunction printers as functions they want.

Samsung Smart UX Center is a printing Eco. system based on android OS, is able to direct edit documents or photos in the multifunction printer itself.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jonghyuk Kim Journalist,
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