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The bank of Korea is more vulnerable to IT security attacks than commercial banks

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By Jiye Kim Journalist, 2015-09-18 01:17 END7
#bank #security #vulnerable #risk #payment

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) Jiye Kim Journalist = The security system of the Bank of Korea (BOK) has been weakened over past five years, and it marks its lowest level this year. The category of payment terminals in particular, recorded even lower grade than the commercial banks registered in the Bank of Korea Financial Wire Network (BOK-Wire).

Sim Jechul, a member of the Strategy and Finance Committee, analyzed the “Research report on the vulnerability of information system” submitted as part of data for an inspection on the government offices. The result shows that the overall score of BOK marked 95 point in 2011, 96 in 2012 and has tumbled down to 90.7 point in this year.

A payment terminal category, especially, received a rating of “Fair” with 67.9 point. Considering the fact that the average score of commercial banks graded 84 in the same issue, BOK’s security level lags far behind usual standard.


According to ‘the evaluation criteria and credits for Telecommunication infrastructure vulnerabilities’ crafted by ministry of science ICT and future planning, BOK’s point plunges into 51.5~56.2, the number considered as a ‘risk grade’ by the appraisal standard.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV Jiye Kim Journalist,
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