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The Korean war on june 25 not to be forgotton

NSP NEWS, By 허아영 기자, 2014-07-07 18:40 END1
#6.25 #대한민국 #유엔연합 #한국전쟁 #추모
[NSP TV] The Korean war on june 25 not to be forgotton

(부산=NSP통신 허아영 기자) = (NSP 글로벌리틀뉴스 김진형) = Dazzling cell phone technology or PSY, a famous Korean world star, first occurs to people around the world when they think of Korea. However, a few decades ago they thought of Korean War. Today let us think of the meaning of the unforgettable war to all of us.

At the dawn of July 25th 64 years ago the North Korean army waged a surprise attack through the 38th parallel line. The army forced the South Korean government to give up Seoul just three days after the surprise attack. North Koreans successfully occupied whole South Korean territory except Busan within three months.

The News of Korean War prompted the UN to hold a Security Council meeting without the participation of the Soviet Union, urging all UN members to give military assistance to South Korea. 21 countries such as Turkey, Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom dispatched their troops to Korean peninsula. Under the command of general McArthur, the United Nations Command (UNC), launched an amphibious landing on In-cheon to hit the enemy’s side as well as attacked from the bottom. By October of 1950, the troop successfully reclaimed the land of South Korea and by November pushed the North Korean Army further north to the Amnok river.


But in December the Chinese Army participated in the war and advanced into the 38th parallel line. After that there was no progress for three years. This war ended 27th July 1953 when the Armistice was signed. 369312 soldiers from 21 countries took part in the war. This atrocious war left 128426 deaths, 32925 missing and 566,434 wounded soldiers.

In honor of UN soldiers who lost their precious lives to protect unknown country, Korea, the United Nation founded a memorial park for Korean War.

Even today, 64 years after the Korean War, Korean people hold annual Memorial Day for the sacrificed soldiers with marches and festivals in Busan. Next time when you visit Busan, after enjoying some time on the beach, how about visiting the Memorial park .
NSP Global Little News, Brian Kim.

[영상편집] 오혜원 PD, 허아영 기자(NSP통신)
<저작권자ⓒ 한국의 경제뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>


