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SK Hynix, Obtained Global Automotive Industry Information Security Certification TISAX

NSP NEWS, By Geul-sam Kwon and Bok-hyun Lee, 2025-02-06 17:46 ENX7
#SK Hynix #TISAX #Certification

(Seoul=NSP NEWS) = SK Hynix obtained Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange(TISAX), a global automotive industry information security certification.

TISAX is a global information security certification system operated by the European Network Exchange(ENX) based on the evaluation criteria of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA).

The company stated that"all domestic business sites in Incheon, Bundang and Cheongju, Sough Korea have received TISAX certification, internationally recognizing our security capabilities required by the global automotive industry. With this, we will accelerate the development of the high-performance memory solution essential for implementing future AI-based automotive technologies."


The Vice President of SK Hynix in charge of DRAM development said,"we will strengthen cooperation with global automotive manufacturers and major parts suppliers. Based on thorough security system, we will build trust with our customers and lead the memory semiconductor market for next-generation automobiles."

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