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SK hynix, Putting HMSDK on 'Linux’

NSP NEWS, By Soon-ki Lee and Jeonghwa Choi, 2024-09-23 13:17 ENX7
#SKhynix #Linux #HMSDK

(Seoul=NSP NEWS AGENCY) = SK hynix announced on the 23rd that it has installed key functions of HMSDK into Linux, the world’s largest open source operating system.

SK hynix emphasized, “CXL memory is a product that is attracting attention as a next-generation AI memory that will succeed HBM. The performance of our self-developed CXL optimization software, HMSDK, has been recognized internationally, and we have applied it to Linux, the world’s largest open source operating system,” adding, “It is very significant that not only our ultra-high-performance hardware memory, such as HBM, but also our software competitiveness has been recognized.”

Going forward, developers around the world working on Linux will be able to utilize CXL memory, making SK hynix’s technology an industry standard and positioning the company well for future global collaboration on next-generation memory.


The HMSDK allocates memory differentially based on the bandwidth between traditional memory and expanded CXL memory, increasing the bandwidth of memory packages by more than 30 percent without adjusting existing applications. The software has also been shown to improve performance by more than 12 percent over traditional systems with access frequency-based optimizations that move frequently used data to faster memory.

The semiconductor industry expects CXL to enter the full commercialization phase later this year when the first server CPUs with the CXL 2.0 specification hit the market. In response, SK hynix is in the process of customer certification of CXL 2.0 memory in 96GB (gigabyte) and 128GB capacities, with mass production planned for the end of the year.

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