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LG Ensol, Sluggish Solar Battery Recall in Australia

NSP NEWS, By Soon-ki Lee and Jeonghwa Choi, 2024-05-30 19:26 ENX7
#LGEnsol #SolarBattery #Recall #Australia

(Seoul=NSP NEWS AGENCY) = It was pointed out that LG Energy Solutions was passive in recalling household solar energy storage systems(ESS) that occurred in Australia.

The company spent money on marketing to celebrate its 30th anniversary in Australia, but not on publicizing the recall at a time when thousands of Australians face the risk of catching fire due to defective solar cells, Channel News, Australian media outlet, reported on 28 April.

“Reports of LG Ensol solar cells found to be defective in Australia have been ongoing since 2021, with around 4,400 batteries yet to be recalled,” the media outlet said, adding that “The Australian federal government should step in and force the company to be more proactive.”


In response to this, LG Ensol said, “This is a recall that was carried out in 2020, but we are unable to follow up on products that have not been reported because it is difficult to determine their location,” adding, “We will actively find and take action on cases that have not yet been recalled.”

Recently, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission(ACCC) under the Australian Treasury announced, “LG ​​Ensol plans to take more steps to find and repair dangerous solar cells.”

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