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KT, Promoting ‘AI Smart Parking Lot Control System’ Pilot Project in Vladivostok, Russia

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2021-09-05 22:52 END7
#KT #Vladivostok #AI #SmartParking #SiliconCube

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = KT is going to carry out a pilot project of ‘Artificial Intelligence(AI) Smart Parking Lot Control System’ with the Vladivostok city government.

This pilot project will be conducted jointly by KT, SiliconCube, the Russian Far East Development Corporation, and Vladivostok city.

In the pilot project, KT supplies an intelligent traffic control system, and SiliconCube supports AI solutions specialized for parking. The Russian Far East Development Corporation plans to play an important role in resolving licensing and regulatory issues so that the project can be expanded to other cities.


The pilot project is carried out at a parking lot near the Zolotoy Bridge in Vladivostok, and it will be operated in the form of collecting information about vehicles entering and leaving the parking lot and monitoring the status of parking spaces by applying AI-based number recognition technology and vehicle detection technology at the same time.

This effectively reduces traffic congestion in the city center by vehicles waiting to enter and exit the parking lot.

KT, SiliconCube, and the Russian Far East Development Corporation will continue to cooperate in solving traffic problems through the expansion of the Intelligent Transportation System(ITS), such as successfully operating the pilot project and promoting the main project.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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