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Nongshim, Establishing a Second US Plant in Corona, near Los Angeles

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2019-09-04 12:42 END7
#Nongshim #2nd US Plant #America #Global Market

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = Nongshim announced a new leap into the global market, establishing a second plant in the United States.

On Sep 3, Nongshim decided to set up a new US plant in Corona, near Los Angeles, California.

Nongshim’s second plant in the US will begin construction early next year, and will be built on a site of about 154,000 square meters (4,500 pyeong), three times the size of the existing plant.


The total amount invested in the construction of the factory is $ 200 million, the largest size since the foundation of Nongshim.

In particular, Nongshim will show a product with health and premium value in the second plant which will have a production capacity for no-fried and dried noodles, unlike the existing plant that has only oil-fried noodle production facilities.

A Nongshim official said, “We currently have logistics centers in Chicago and New Jersey in the east, and we will operate a new logistics center in Dallas from October, which is a strategy to increase the efficiency of distribution and distribution by making the west a production base and establishing a logistics base in the main area in the east.”

Nongshim’s second plant is scheduled to begin operation by the end of 2021.

Nongshim aims to achieve more than $ 600 million in sales, which is more than twice as much as it is now, in the Americas by 2025 when the plant goes live.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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