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POSCO, Returned to Operating Profit of 5 Trillion Won Level in Seven Years

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2019-01-31 09:55 END7
#POSCO #Operating Profit #5 Trillion Won Level

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = POSCO returned to consolidated base operating profit of 5 trillion won level in 7 years.

At the company briefing progressed through the conference call on Jan 30, 2019, POSCO reported consolidated base sales of 64.9778 trillion won, operating profit of 5.5426 trillion won, and net profit of 1.8921 trillion won.

After sales re-entered 60 trillion won level in 2017, it reached 60 trillion won level without difficulty last year. Operating profit recovered to 5 trillion won level for the first time since 2011. Over last year, consolidated base sales grew by 7.1%, and operating profit increased by 19.9%. Rate of operating profit recorded 8.5%.


The target of consolidated base sales for this year is 66.3 trillion won, and the targets of crude steel production and product sales are 37.5 million tons and 35.7 million tons respectively. In accordance with the management policy of strengthening competitiveness of the steel sector and fostering new growth sectors, the investment cost is planned to be 6.1 trillion won (including a reserve fund of 1 trillion won), which increased by 3.4 trillion won from the previous year.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist,
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