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Ssangyong Motors, Ranked 1st in Satisfaction of British Car Owners Selection

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2018-10-20 08:38 END7
#Ssangyong Motors #Honest John Satisfac #Ranked 1st

(서울=NSP통신) soon ki Lee Journali = Ssangyong received 90.3 points of satisfaction score in Honest John Satisfaction Index 2018 announced by Honest John, UK car specialist online site, and ranked first in brand satisfaction by overtaking leading global automobile makers such as Porsche, Dacia, Jaguar and Lexus.

Ssangyong Motor is the only brand that has exceeded 90 points of satisfaction score in this evaluation.

This survey conducted for 10,000 car owners evaluated ▲vehicle reliability ▲production quality ▲fuel efficiency▲vehicle management and repair ▲comfort ▲practicality ▲safety ▲ ease of driving as well as the whole satisfaction.


Honest John evaluated, “Ssangyong’s SUV lineup, excellent four-wheel drive technology, and high-quality warranty are recognized by many British drivers,” and “drivers showed high satisfaction especially in terms of vehicle reliability, practicality, and comfort.”

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist,
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