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HITEJINRO, The Overall Sales of Chamisul increased 7.5 % in 2Q compare to last year

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By dILFUZA Sultanova Jo, 2018-08-03 13:29 END7
#HITEJINRO #Chamisul #sales #increase

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) dILFUZA Sultanova Journalist = Sales of Chamisul, which was renewed by HITEJINRO (CEO In-Gyu Kim) in April, has exceeded 500 million bottles in 99 days.
As a result of the renewal, total sales of Chamisul in 2Q increased about 7.5% YoY.
HITEJINRO continues to feel the atmosphere of renewal performance in the second half of this year. The new image will help to expand consumer base and will further strengthen preference through a variety of activities that young people can share and communicate directly.
"As a leading brand, Chamisul always seems to believe and love the way in which we are actively responding to consumer needs and trend changes","In the future, we will continue to lead the market by keeping the brand core values and endeavoring to pursue newness."said Sung Taek Oh, Director of Marketing Division, HITEJINRO.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV dILFUZA Sultanova Journalist,
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