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SunLike, Seoul Semiconductor Co.,Ltd., Full-scale Targeting US Market

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2018-07-19 13:45 END7
#SunLike #Seoulsemiconductor

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = Seoul Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. will apply its natural light source, 'SunLike' to a high-end lighting of new products of Pure Edge, LEDRAbrands, Inc. and Elite Lightning, medium lighting companies of US.

SunLike which was created by combining the advanced compound semiconductor technology of Seoul Semiconductor Co.,Ltd., and 'TRI-R' technology, a photovoltaic spectral reproduction photoconversion technology, of Toshiba Materials Co., Ltd. is a LED light source which can realize the physical, psychological, and coloristic benefits which sunlight gives in the same light as the spectrum of light is the most similar to sunlight.

According to Seoul Semiconductor Co.,Ltd., SunLike is the only product in the world to have received the first-class rating, the best safety rating, for 25W daylight single light source which can replace 100W hallogen lamp, including all indoor lighting.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist,
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