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SK Telecom CO., LTD. Targeting a 30trillion won Worth of Interior Market with Popularization of Smart Homes

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2018-07-10 11:39 END7
#SK Telecom #Smart Homes Interior #MOU

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = SK Telecom CO., LTD. starts to explore a smart interior market with MOU signing ceremony for smart home business cooperation with KEIPA(Korea Eco Interior Promotion Association) on July 9.

With this MOU, SK Telecom CO., LTD. got a foothold in expanding smart home service in the market of existing houses which have been built before smart homes are introduced in Korea in earnest.

SK Telecom CO., LTD. expects to be able to apply smart home interior to more than 200 families a year within the existing housing market through this partnership.


Smart Home Interior refers to the construction method that smart home products, such as smart switches, plugs, air quality sensors, and AI speakers, are installed during the interior construction of the existing houses.

Meanwhile, according to CERIK(Construction Economy Research Institute of Korea), a domestic interior market grew fast from 9 trillion won in 2000 to 30 trillion won last year, and is a 'blue ocean' of smart homes as a market which is expected to get larger with a size of 40 trillion won in 2020.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist,
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