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POSCO, Improves the treatment on outsourcers through sharp increase in outsourcing cost

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By YEON SUN HAN Journal, 2017-09-12 10:27 END7

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) YEON SUN HAN Journalist = POSCO decided to accept the requests from ‘POSCO inhouse subcontracting mutual growth council’ composed of outsourced labor and management representative on increase of outsourcing costs on lightening speed.

Accordingly, POSCO is planning to increase outsourcing cost by KRW100billion in order to prepare for 2 digit unconventional salary raise and increase outsourcing cost step by step in coming 3 years so that outsourcing employees salary can be increased

With this salary raise, it is expected that about 15,000 outsourcing employees in Pohang and Kwangyang can be benefited.


This decision of POSCO was made possible mostly because of sympathy on settlement of social polarization and broad minded concession from POSCO labor and representatives.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV YEON SUN HAN Journalist,
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