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LINE made 8 billion yen business profits in the second quarter, increased 50.4% year on year

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By jonghyuk Kim Journal, 2016-07-29 23:39 END7
#NAVER #네이버라인 #라인실적

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jonghyuk Kim Journalist = LINE corporation (representative Idesawa Takeshi) made 38.2 billion yen sales profits, 8 billion yen business profits and 3.1 net profits in the second quarter.

Sales profits 12.1% increased to previous quarter, 35.1% increased to the same period last year.

Communication sales profits decreased by 4.0% previous quarter, 13.1% increased to the same period last year. Under the influence of delaying new games, contents sales profits decreased by 4.0% previous quarter, decreased by 8.2% the same period last year.


Total advertisement profits 6.3% increased to previous quarter, 60.1% increased to the same period last year. Among them profits of LINE advertisement 9.2% increased to previous quarter, 85.9% increased to the same period last year.

Profits of portal site advertisement decreased by 4.4% previous quarter, 1.8% increased to the same period last year. Other profits 21.6% increased to previous quarter, 95.5% increased to the same period last year because of strong sales of LINE friends, LINE part-time job, ect.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jonghyuk Kim Journalist,
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