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Hyun Jeong-eun ranked among Fortune’s most powerful women list

NSP NEWS, By Jiye Kim Journalist, 2015-09-16 00:11 END7
#Hyundai #Fortune #powerful #leadership #women
NSP통신-▲Hyundai Group chairwoman Hyun Jeong-eun(Photo = Hyundai Group)
▲Hyundai Group chairwoman Hyun Jeong-eun(Photo = Hyundai Group)

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) Jiye Kim Journalist = Hyundai Group chairwoman Hyun Jeong-eun has been named as one of “25 most powerful women of Asia-Pacific” for consecutive two years by Fortune, the U.S business magazine.

According to Fortune, Hyun has selected given the reason that she leads a complex empire of 20 affiliated, including Hyundai Merchant Marine and Hyundai Elevator. Over the past year, Hyun continued her long-running efforts to bring peace to the Korean peninsula through tourism and economic collaboration, the magazine puts it on its website.

China takes the lion’s share, with 11 spots on fortune’s 2015 list. The number of listed member based on the country of origin, India comes next to China with 4 members, followed by Korea (3 members), Singapore (3 members), Hong-Kong (2), Australia and Taiwan (1, respectively).


Meanwhile, Hyun’s leadership is highly acclaimed by influential organizations such as Forbes, Financial Times, TradeWinds.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV Jiye Kim Journalist,
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