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Samsung Electronics, Developing LPCAMM based on LPDDR DRAM

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By Soon-ki Lee and Bok-hyun Lee, 2023-09-27 09:48 ENX7
#SamsungElectronics #LPCAMM

(Seoul=NSP NEWS AGENCY) = Samsung Electronics has developed a 7.5Gbps LPCAMM(Low Power Compression Attached Memory Module) based on LPDDR DRAM that will change the game in the PC and laptop DRAM market.

LPCAMM has achieved technological innovation in terms of performance, low power, and design efficiency compared to existing DDR-based So-DIMM. Accordingly, it is expected to present a new form factor paradigm in the next-generation PC and laptop markets.

By embedding LPDDR into the module, Samsung has enabled high performance, low power, and removability. This provides manufacturing flexibility for manufacturers and increased convenience for users to replace and upgrade.


LPCAMM reduces the mounting area by up to 60% compared to So-DIMM, increasing the degree of freedom in configuring components in a PC or laptop, allowing more efficient use of internal space, such as securing additional battery capacity.

In particular, LPCAMM is expected to improve performance by up to 50% and power efficiency by up to 70% compared to So-DIMM, expanding its applications to artificial intelligence(AI), high-performance computing (HPC), servers, and data centers.

Samsung Electronics has completed verification of 7.5Gbps LPCAMM operation on the Intel platform and plans to verify it on next-generation systems with major customers, including Intel, within the year for commercialization in 2024.

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