(Seoul=NSP News Agency) hYUNJIN KIM Journalist = Moda Moda, a bio cosmetics company, concluded a joint venture LOI with the Chinese China Grand Enterprises (CGE) group to enter into the Chinese market.
The parties planned to co-invest in a joint venture and hope to establish it before the end of this year.
CGE group covers distribution, finance, and property area, centering around pharmaceuticals and health care products. The headquarter is in Beijing, with its domestic branches in the city of Tianjin and Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning Shanxi, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangdong, and Hainan provinces.
The CEO of the cosmetics company said, “we see a steep growth in the Chinese hair care market” and added, “In addition, we believe in our Browning Shampoo’s great potential.”
NSP News Agency hYUNJIN KIM Journalist kimhj30310@nspna.com
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