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Over the Past Five Years, Listed Corporations Dividend Companies ↑ · Expansion of Dividend Size … Total Dividends 9.23% ↑ from the Previous Year

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2019-04-29 17:07 END7
#Dividend Companies ↑ #Expansion of Dividen #Total Dividends 9.23

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = It was revealed that over the past five years, dividend companies in all listed companies have increased and the size of dividends has expanded.

546 companies(72.51%) out of 753 companies conducted cash dividends in 2018, where 8 companies(0.3%p) increased compared with the previous year.

The total amount of cash dividends was 30.4 trillion won, up 2.6 trillion won(9.23 percent) from the previous year’s total of 27.8 trillion won.


In 2018, the average dividend payout ratio of all dividend corporations increased by 4.91%p to 30.33% from 2014. In the dividend yield ratio, par dividend rate exceeded 70% due to the expansion of the dividend size, and the market dividend rate also rose due to increased dividends and falling market capitalization.

In addition, 502(91.94 percent) out of 546 companies that carried out cash dividends have made dividends for the second consecutive year since last year.

The cash dividend of the companies(402 companies) that made 5 consecutive years of cash dividends is 27.1 trillion won, which is 89% of the total cash dividend(30.4 trillion won) of listed corporations.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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