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Asan City, Selected as Excellent Institution in the Area of Regional Planning of Chungnam Province

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2018-12-08 13:51 END7
#Asan #Best Institution #Regional Planning #Chungnam Province

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = Asan City in Chungnam Province(Mayer, Oh Se-hyun)was selected as an excellent institution in the area of regional planning at the ‘Joint Inspection of the Area of Construction Policy and the Evaluation of City and County in 2018’ conducted by Chungnam Province.

As a result of evaluating the actual status of city and county management planning, the actual condition of city development project, and efforts to solve long-term unenforced urban planning facilities about the area of regional planning, that of city planning and that of regional development for 15 cities and counties in Chungnam Province, Asan City, which was selected as an excellent institution, got to receive institutional and individual recognition.

This year, Asan City completed the readjustment of the long-term unenforced city planning facilities through the city management plan reorganization and the change of the use area for the non-urban area, and actively promoted the new measures such as the preparation of guidelines for the pre-negotiation of city planning change.


“We seem to have received high praise for the smooth implementation of pending projects, the balanced development of non-urban areas, and aggressive administrative actions to prevent reckless development,” said Bang Hyo-chan, the city planning director, “We will do our best for the development of Asan City through the active promotion of new measures next year.”

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist,
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