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KT signed an exclusive distribution contract with Appnori for VR sports content

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By jeonghyun go Journal, 2018-11-07 15:34 END7
#KT #KT(030200) #VR #Appnori

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jeonghyun go Journalist = KT made a global exclusive distribution contract with Appnori for VR sports content.

Through this contract, KT plans to push forward its distribution business by securing an exclusive right to distribute offline VR sports content from Appnori in domestic and global VR zones and Arcade corporations.

Appnori is in charge of developing and producing VR sports content to be distributed.


In addition, starting off with this, KT plans to gradually expand its realistic media platform in collaboration with global game companies specialized in developing and producing.

In particular, KT also plans to adapt realistic media content which was originally provided on site to online business through GIGA Live TV to be released on November 12th.

KT already started realistic media service earlier this year including VRIGHT and K-Live X which were based on offline spaces and now it also plans to launch a new online VR service through GIGA Live TV.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jeonghyun go Journalist,
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