US FOMC Rate Hike... Korea-US Interest Rate Difference 2%p ‘Highest Ever’
(Seoul=NSP News Agency) YEON SUN HAN Journalist = Netflix will be streaming movies to all over the world starting from the Netflix original movie"Okja"with Dolby Atmos
Dolby Atmos delivers visual images in 4K and HDR with realistic sound, giving viewers the experience of being part of the story.
In July, Japanese animation"Blame!", in August, A thriller movie"Death Note", and in December, a US fantasy movie"Bright"will be released.
Currently, Dolby Atmos can be streamed from Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox One S, and the 2017 LG OLED TV will be supported soon.
NSP News Agency/NSP TV YEON SUN HAN Journalist,
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