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Daelim provides sound designed apartment

NSP NEWS, By jonghyuk Kim Journal, 2016-11-25 01:47 END7
#대림산업 #e편한세상 #사운드디자인 #소리나는아파트

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jonghyuk Kim Journalist = Daelim is to provide sound designed apartment. The melody is developed to match with the image of e-Convinient and Acro brand.

Daelim decided to institute sound design in order to provide comfortable living condition to customers. Because existing doorbell, various notifications and button sound might be noisy.

Base on the comfortable and bright melody used on CM of e-Convinient, Daelim developed sound of intercom on the building entrance, notification of door lock, elevator button sound and doorbell sound.


This new developed sound will be applied from e-Convinient Chuncheon Hansup city that is going to be sold, to other apartment complexes.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jonghyuk Kim Journalist,
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