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CJ, to provide early payment 1 trillion won for their subcontractor

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By Hanah Choi Journalis, 2016-08-19 08:23 END7

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) Hanah Choi Journalist = CJ group (CEO, Jeahyoun-Lee) will pay 1 trillion to subcontractors earlier than schduled, ahead of the Korean Thanksgiving Day.

CJ group decided to give pre-paying for goods received to small subcontractors on 18th before Korean Thanksgiving Day in order to improve the circulation of their cash flow since they are plagued by weakened domestic demand.

Nearly 23,000 suppliers that cooperate with 11 main affiliates including CJ CheilJedang would have a benefit accordingly.


Furthermore, CJ group plans to purchase about 20 billion won of traditional gift cards (Onnuri gift certificates) in order to participate in kickstarting the korean's traditional market and those purchased certificates will be distributed to employees of all affilates of CJ group.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV Hanah Choi Journalist,
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