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Hyundai Motors gets 1342.4 billion won business profit … 15.5% lower than same time last year

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By jonghyuk Kim Journal, 2016-04-27 04:21 END7
#현대차 #1분기 #영업이익

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jonghyuk Kim Journalist = Hyundai Motors got 1342.4 billion won business profit, 15.5% lower than 1588 billion won same time last year.

The business results of the first quarter of this year are ▲vehicle sales 1,107,377 ▲sales 22,350.6 billion won (vehicle 17,238.9 billion won, financial and etc 5,111.7 billion won) ▲business profit 1,342.4 billion won ▲ordinary profit 2163.4 billion won ▲net profit 1768.1 billion won(including non-controlling interest).

About this results, Hyundai Motors said, “It was burdensome that fixed cost was higher, caused by decreasing rate of factory operation. In the first quarter this year, won showed weak against dollar, but following low oil price, rinsing market was depressed caused decreasing export from domestic factory.”


It added, “Dilution won-dollar exchange rate effect because of keeping depreciation of the currency of the rising nations like Russia and Brazil etc, influenced on also.”

Hyundai Motors emphasized, “From the second quarter, sale of new Elantra will be regularized in the main markets such as the USA and China. It is expected sale extension and increasing rate of factory operation. Also, won against different currency exchange foundation will be getting lower, so the circumstance of exchange rate will get better. We are going to do our best to improve our record progressively.”

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jonghyuk Kim Journalist,
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