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CHARM NETWORK Expands To Global Market ‘Installation of Diskless System In Austria, Japan, and Southeast Asia

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By sanghyun Kim Journal, 2015-11-26 04:23 END7

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) sanghyun Kim Journalist = Charm Network( has shown off “NO HARD“ network solution for a workstation or personal computer without disk drives and introduced the system for global marketing in some large organizations such as internet cafes, computer rooms in schools, universities and companies managing many public computers.

“NO HARD” solution is a diskless boot system which employs network booting to load its operating system from a server and helps restore a clean system after each reboot, keeping your computer clear of viruses and trojans.

“NO HARD” can extend the lifespan of client PCs, able to boot faster as SSD speed, has better performance than disk solution, and reduces operation cost (electricity, maintenance, staffing, license, antivirus, game deployment and remote A/S service)


Charm Network has been installing and maintaining more than 70,000 computers in 1,000 internet cafes, as well as, universities, schools and motels in South Korea. Also, Charm Network has demonstrated and tested “NO HARD“ system in Japan and Southeast Asia, also installed it in Canberra in Australia.

Especially, Charm Network operates 24 hour customer service center in case of any problems on the server or client’s PC.

Charm Network has been fully installed and tested “NO HARD” solution for two years to verify in iCafes in South Korea so created the solution system to troubleshoot various errors simply and immediately.

Charm Network differentiates the hardware configuration with supplying the flagship brand, Dell server and hub for stabilization, also provides warranty service for Dell server and lifetime warranty for Dell hub as well.

CEO of Charm Network, Sangdo Kim said “Charm Network has been providing the excellent quality diskless system with reasonable prices by continuing development” “We will dedicate our utmost efforts to becoming a customer-centered company that provides optimized services to meet customer’s needs.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV sanghyun Kim Journalist,
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