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G-STAR 2015, received application for 2636 booths, increased by 2.7%

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By jonghyuk Kim Journal, 2015-10-29 00:31 END7
#G-star #쥐스타 #BEXCO #벡스코

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jonghyuk Kim Journalist = G-STAR 2015,which will be held in BEXCO, Busan on November 12-15, received applications for 2,636 booths. The number of booths increased by 2.7% than last year. 633 companies from 35 countries will participate.

They will use No.1-3 hall of the first exhibition area, No.4-5 halls of the second exhibition area, the meeting rooms of main and new buildings, the convention hall, the grand ballroom, the auditorium, the outdoor exhibition area and the hall of movie.

The BTC hall, the same as last year, will be placed in the first hall of BEXCO which covers 26,508㎡. It contains 1,450 booths from 118 companies such as Nexon, Neople, Monawa, NC soft, Nexon-GT, 433, Ndoors, LG Electronics, KOCCA (Korea Creative Content Agency), Korea Association of Boardgames Industry and Sony Computer Entertainment Korea as a foreign company.


The BTB hall will be placed in the second hall of BEXCO which is 19,872㎡ in area. 515 companies use 1,186 booths including Nexon, Gamevil, Smilegate, IGA works, Kakao, Com2us. DIP (Daegu Digital Industry PromotionAgency), SBA (Seoul Business Agency) and KOCCA have a sharing booth.
Some oversea companies such as Sega publishing Korea, Tencent Korea and Twitch submitted applications. In addition, England, Taiwan, Spain, China and Canada will take part in the exhibition hall of oversea country.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jonghyuk Kim Journalist,
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