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KB card is affiliated with CTrip, a Chinese online travel agency

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By Jiye Kim Journalist, 2015-09-12 00:46 END7
#KB #CTrip #travel #exchange #card

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) Jiye Kim Journalist = KB Kookmin Card, represented by Duk-Su Kim, builds a business alliance with CTrip, the China’s largest online travel agency. Through this contract, KB card offers special service for outbound travelers with discounts on hotel hotel accommodations, exchange commission and the like.

With this association, KB Kookmin Card users are able to get 5% price reduction on CTrip's hotel reservation service, which include around 1,000,000 hotels in 200 countries. The discount is available when users fill in their promotion code into the online booking form.

The Homepage and mobile applications in Korean language allow travelers a convenient, real-time reservation for Chinese airlines and railroads. What is more, customers booking ticket overseas could soon take advantage of an exchange rate with privileged coupons affordable in KB Kookmin Bank nationwide.


Furthermore, KB Kookmin Card has a scheme to design new travel services and products in concert with CTrip, for supporting CTrip customers visiting Korea, through special discounts on member stores’ product, exchange commission and so forth.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV Jiye Kim Journalist,
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