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2014 Busan Fashion Week the biggest fashion event in Busan

NSP NEWS, By 허아영 기자, 2014-10-31 17:37 END1
#Busan #FashionWeek #Bexco #Exhibition #Preceptorate

Many domestic fashion companies like Ferrari, Metrocity are participating in this event. Various fashion shows, fashion promoting booth, and exhibitions will be held.

[NSPTV] 2014 Busan Fashion Week the biggest fashion event in Busan
NSP통신-As 2014 Busan Fashion Week, holds various fashion shows and fashion promoting booth, many people visit this fantastic event.
As 2014 Busan Fashion Week, holds various fashion shows and fashion promoting booth, many people visit this fantastic event.

(부산=NSP통신 허아영 기자) = (NSPTV Kim Min Jeong Announcer) = 2014 Busan Fashion Week, the biggest fashion event in Busan, is now being held with keen interest as many domestic fashion companies are participating in.

During Busan Fashion Week, you can enjoy various fashion shows, fashion promoting booth, and exhibitions.

Correspondent Lee Ga-hyun will cover this event.


(NSP Global Little News Lee Ga-hyun)

2014 Busan Fashion Week sponsored by the Busan municipal government and the Busan Business Agency will be held from 25th to 27th in the Bexco Heaundeagu Busan. About 65 apparel companies will take part in this event by establishing 130 booths.

The Busan Internatonal Fabric Fashion Exhibition, a part of this event will contain many booths for various fields like fashion apparels, sport wear, fashion accessaries, factional fashion, fabric, and subsidiary materials.

The Busan Pretaporter, the other part of this event, will hold 17 fashion shows in a runaway with 700 seats.

Busan business circle highly evaluates the synergy effect of combining the pre-existing Busan Internatonal Fabric Fashion Exhibition and Busan Pretaporter into Busan Fashion Week.

Until 2012 without participation of local big apperal company, the Busan Pretaporter has been regarded as individual designers' league but now it upgrades itself as a nation-wide fashion event as many local top fashion brands are participating and Ferrari and Metro City are planning fashion shows.

People are expecting main fashion shows prepared by 하상백, 황재근, Korea's top designers, 린진리앙, 양지에, 웨이초우, three of China's top ten desingers, and 에가시라 료스케 who shows typical Japanese apparel lines.

[Interview/Hwang Jea-gean desiner]
You know this is the biggest fashion festival in Busan. I hope many young people, people who are trying to study fashion, and who are interested in this field to visit this event. As this event could be held in next year and be bigger with many visitors, I think your precious visit to this event can be very helpful.

With its various fashion shows combined with public culture, fashion promotion booths from home and abroad, and professional seminars, the 2014 Busan Fashion Week will be a precious venue for people to predict the future of fabric and fashion industry of the world as weel as Busan.

NSP global little news Lee Ga Hyun.

[Editor] Oh Hye Won PD, 허아영 기자(NSP통신)
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