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HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd. Driving Hydrogen Fuel Cell Market

NSP NEWS, By Soon-ki Lee and Jeonghwa Choi, 2024-08-26 18:54 ENX7
#HD #HydrogenFuelCell

(Seoul=NSP NEWS AGENCY) = HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering is accelerating its entry into the hydrogen fuel cell market, which is gaining attention as a next-generation clean energy source.

HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering announced that its subsidiary HD Hydrogen recently acquired Convion, a global leader in fuel cell systems, for approximately 72 million euros(KRW 106.5 billion).

Located in Helsinki, Finland, Convion is a solid oxide fuel cell(SOFC) and solid oxide electrolyzer cell(SOEC) specialist founded in 2012 and one of the few companies in the world with commercial SOFC power system technology and supply performance.


SOFC and SOEC technologies are the core technologies of hydrogen energy, which is evaluated as a clean energy for the future, and are expected to have a large pre-emption effect in securing core technologies due to their high technical difficulty and long development time due to their high temperature operation.

HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering plans to take the lead in the market with a two-track strategy. HD Hydrogen will oversee the fuel cell business, handling domestic power generation and marine business, while Convion will develop core fuel cell technology and promote business in Europe.

HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering established HD Hydrogen on the 21st with an investment of KRW 140 billion to efficiently promote the hydrogen fuel cell business.

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